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Previously funded projects

This page includes reports and information about projects previously funded under AHGBI schemes.

International Visiting Fellowship Scheme

2022 – 23

The visit of Dr Renée DePalma (Universidade da Coruña) hosted by Dr Nicola Bermingham (University of Liverpool), took place in June 2023. Dr DePalma was based at Liverpool, but also engaged with other universities and research networks such as the Centre for Galician Studies in Wales at Bangor University.

  • Final report

    Visiting Researcher: Dr Renée DePalma, University of A Coruña

    Host: Dr Nicola Bermingham, University of Liverpool

2022 – 23

Dr Alessandra Mello Simões Paiva (Federal University of Southern Bahia), hosted by Professor Thea Pitman (Leeds) and Dr Lisa Blakmore (Essex), was based at the Universities of Leeds and Essex in October 2022.

  • Final report

    Report on presentations, lectures and other academic activities undertaken by Dr Alessandra Mello Simões Paiva (Federal University of Southern Bahia)

    Based at the Universities of Leeds and Essex (October 2022), hosted by Professor Thea Pitman and Dr Lisa Blackmore

2021 – 22

The visit of Dr Raquel Fernández Menéndez (University Utrecht), hosted by Dr. Hannie Lawlor (University of Oxford), took place between September and October 2022.

  • Final report

    Visiting researcher: Dr. Raquel Fernández-Menéndez

    Host: Dr. Hannie Lawlor (University of Oxford)

2020 – 21

The visit of Dr Fran Garcerá, hosted by Professor Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles (University of Exeter), took place in November 2020. Dr Garcerá was based at Exeter, but also engaged with other universities and research networks with lectures and seminars during his visit.

  • Final report

    Report on presentations, lectures and other academic activities undertaken by Dr Fran Garcerá

    Based at the University of Exeter (November 2020) - Hosted by Professor Nuria Capdevilla-Argüelles

2019 – 20

The visit of Dr Ibrahin Amhed León Tellez, Director of the Centro de Estudios y Desarrollo Local (Universidad de Granma), sponsored by Professor Par Kumaraswami (University of Reading) and Dr Rebecca Ogden (University of Kent), took place between 10th February and 8th March 2020

  • Final report

    Brief report on activities of recipient of AHGBI Visiting International Fellowship Award, Dr. Ibrahin Amhed León Tellez, Director of the Centro de Estudios y Desarrollo Local, sponsored by Professor Par Kumaraswami (University of Reading) and Dr Rebecca Ogden (University of Kent).

2018 – 19

Dr Luz Horne (Universidad de San Andrés), hosted by Dr Fiona J. Mackintosh (University of Edinburgh). Dr Horne was based at Edinburgh between 2nd February and 2nd March 2019, and also offered lectures and workshops in other universities such as Glasgow, St Andrews and Warwick.

  • Final report

    Report on presentations, lectures and academic activities undertaken by Dra Luz Horne

    AHGBI Visiting International Fellowship: 27th Jan – 27th Feb 2019

2017 – 18

Dr Carlos Garrido Castellano (University College Cork, September 2017).

  • Final report

    This is a summary of the activities carried out by Dr Carlos Garrido Castellano as

    AHGBI International Visiting Fellow at University College Cork in September 2017.

2016 – 17

El Chojín (Spanish hip-hop artist), hosted by Dr Stuart Green (University of Leeds). The artist was based at Leeds between November and December 2016, and also visited the Institute of Modern Languages Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London, and the University of Southampton.

Become a member

Membership of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland is open to all research-active Hispanists resident in Great Britain or Ireland who have a current research interest in the languages or cultures of Iberia (Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, Basque) or in related aspects of Hispanic, Lusophone or Latin American subjects. Hispanists living overseas who are former members of the Association, or are British subjects or Irish citizens, and who continue to be research active, qualify for membership. To be considered for membership, all applicants must be nominated by two existing members of the AHGBI.