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AHGBI-WISPS Dorothy Sherman-Severin Research Fellowship

Updated August 2024

The AHGBI-WISPS Dorothy Sherman-Severin Research Fellowship for Early-Career Researchers in Luso-Hispanic Studies (202425)

The Executive Committees of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) and Women in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin-American Studies (WiSPS) invite applications for the 2024 – 25 Dorothy Sherman-Severin Research Fellowship for Early-Career Researchers in Luso-Hispanic Studies.

Aims of the Fellowship

The Fellowship was established in 2006 and first awarded in 2007. It is designed to address the needs of talented UK- or Irish-based early-career academics in Luso-Hispanic Studies (broadly understood) who plan on pursuing an academic career in this area, and who, for whatever reason, are finding it difficult to consolidate and develop their research potential.

In order to achieve these aims, the person selected for the fellowship will receive support in the form of mentorship throughout the 1‑year fellowship and financial support of up to £1000.


Deadline extended to the 13th September 2024!

Applications are due by 5pm on Friday, 9th August 2024.

Please read the Eligibility and Guidelines (2024) Document and complete the Application Form (2024). You can find both below.

A separate CV (one page of A4 maximum) should be attached in Word or PDF format. You will also need to obtain support from your Head of Department and a reference from a referee. Details of all the requirements are in the Eligibility and Guideline Document.

Applications will be considered by a selection committee made up of members of the Executive Committees of AHGBI and WiSPS.

Enquiries may be addressed to the Chair of the Selection Committee, Dr Sophie Stevens (sophie.​stevens@​sas.​ac.​uk) or to WiSPS Executive Committee member Mercedes Carbayo-Abengozar (mercedes.​abengozar@​mu.​ie)

  • Find below the DSS Fellowship Eligibility and Guidelines 2024 and the Application Form.

  • Find below the DSS Fellowship Eligibility and Guidelines 2024 and the Application Form.

Become a member

Membership of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland is open to all research-active Hispanists resident in Great Britain or Ireland who have a current research interest in the languages or cultures of Iberia (Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, Basque) or in related aspects of Hispanic, Lusophone or Latin American subjects. Hispanists living overseas who are former members of the Association, or are British subjects or Irish citizens, and who continue to be research active, qualify for membership. To be considered for membership, all applicants must be nominated by two existing members of the AHGBI.