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Postgraduate and early career support

Postgrads and Early-Career Academics in the AHGBI

Funding available to support PGR and ECA participation at the AHGBI Conference 2025.

To be eligible for funding, PGRs and ECAs must submit an abstract as per the instructions on the AHGBI 2025 CFP available at 70th AHGBI Annual Conference 2025. For any queries, please contact PGR Officer Fiona Noble (fiona.​noble@​stir.​ac.​uk) or ECA Officer Sophie Stevens (sophie.​stevens@​sas.​ac.​uk).

Representing the Graduate Community

The AHGBI is strongly committed to enhancing the participation of postgraduate students and early-career academics in the life of the Association, and to engaging with the graduate community. One of the Association’s key roles is to represent Hispanism in national debates about postgraduate study and funding. All Masters and doctoral students can join the AHGBI as associate members for just £20 per year. This entitles you to attend and speak at the annual conference. The AHGBI’s national committee has an officer who is responsible for postgraduate matters. At present, the Postgraduate Officer is Dr Fiona Noble.

If you wish to raise any matters with the committee about postgraduate issues, or to apply for one of the awards below, please contact Fiona Noble at: fiona.​noble@​stir.​ac.​uk

The AGHBI also recognises both the value of the early career academic community and the complexities of being an early career academic in the current climate. One of the Association’s aims is to support this community. There is a discounted membership rate of £20 per year for those who do not hold a full-time teaching or research post.

If you wish to raise any matters with the committee about early career issues, or to apply for one of the corresponding awards below, please contact Sophie Stevens at: sophie.​stevens@​sas.​ac.​uk

Please note

You must be a member of the AHGBI in order to apply for these awards. The Membership Secretary will accept applications at any time. However, please note that you should aim to submit your application form at the start of the academic year to ensure that you are eligible to apply for awards in that academic year. In all cases, you should submit your membership application first, before applying for any awards. You can still apply for awards whilst your membership is being processed, and until you have received formal confirmation of your membership being approved. In these circumstances, your application will be considered, but you will be unable to receive any actual award until your membership is approved.

Postgraduate Students and Early-Career Academics at the AHGBI Annual Conference

Awards for Participation at AHGBI 2025.

The AHGBI offers conference awards to support Postgraduate and Early Career Academic members giving papers at the annual conference.

Please read the criteria below carefully. If you meet the criteria of the ECA Award then you should apply for that one.

The Annual Conference will comprise of 2 in-person days and one online day. We understand that people will be participating in different ways and so this year there are 2 types of awards on offer:

1. For in-person and online participation: award of £350 + conference dinner.

2. For online only participation: award of £150.

Applicants who have previously received a conference award may reapply but, in the selection process, priority will be given to those who have not previously received these awards.

The deadline to apply is Monday 10th February 20245 at 18.00.

AHGBI Conference Support for ECAs in temporary / pro-rata contracts

Awards for Participation at the AHGBI 2025 (ECA).

The Committee will make up to four awards to support ECA participation at the 2025 AHGBI Conference.


ECAs must be members of the Association and be within 5 years of successful completion of their viva. ECAs must be employed on a temporary or pro-rata contract at the time of submitting their application.

How to apply: Complete this online Form.

The deadline to apply is Monday 10th February 2025 at 18.00.

AHGBI Conference Support for Postgraduate Students

Awards for Participation at the AHGBI 2025 (Postgraduates).

The Committee will sponsor up to eight awards for Postgraduates to participate in the 2024 AHGBI Conference.


Postgraduates must be members of the Association undertaking postgraduate study at an institution in Great Britain or Ireland. Postgraduates are eligible to apply for the Postgraduate Conference Award at any time during their studies and for a period of up to 12 months after the date of their viva. If you take up a post within 12 months of completing your viva, you may be eligible for the ECA Conference Award instead; please see the criteria above.

How to apply: Complete this online Form

The deadline to apply is Monday 10th February 2025 at 18.00.

Other Postgraduate Students and Early-Career Academics Grants and Awards

AHGBI Research Travel Award for Graduate Students (masters and doctoral)

NEW! Updated 2024.

The AHGBI offers an annual research travel award of £500 for graduate students. The award is open to all graduate students (masters and doctoral) in the UK and Ireland who have joined the AHGBI and who do not have a grant that includes maintenance payments as well as fees. The award will be given to support a research trip related to the applicant’s current programme of study and should advance scholarly research in the languages and cultures of the Iberian peninsula and/or those cultures associated with them throughout the world. We envisage that this research trip may also lead to other outcomes and publications and the Association asks that recipients share details of any other outputs with us and acknowledge the support given through this award. The Association encourages recipients of this award to share their findings in a conference paper at one of our annual conferences in the future.

The application must be for a research trip which takes place between 1st June and 31st December 2024.

Send the application form by email to the PGR Officer Fiona Noble (fiona.​noble@​stir.​ac.​uk). Application deadline for 2024 : 5pm on 31st May 2024.

  • AHGBI Research Travel Award for Graduate Students 2024

    Download application form to apply

Annual Publication Prize for a Doctoral Thesis

In association with Tamesis Books and Legenda, the AHGBI has established a publication prize to be awarded to the two most distinguished doctoral theses in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies each year.

Find out more about the AHGBI Publication Prize.

AHGBI Conference Award for Graduate Students (masters and doctoral)

NEW! Updated for 2024.

The AHGBI offers a conference award of up to £500 for graduate students (masters and doctoral) in the UK and Ireland. Applicants must have joined the AHGBI and apply for support to attend a conference that has direct relevance to their subject of study.

The Association recognises that many conferences will take place online and/or offer hybrid options; we welcome applications to support virtual as well as in-person participation.

You may apply for the award for future conferences in advance of receiving official acceptance from the organisers. PhD students may apply for the award to attend a conference taking place up to 12 months after the date of their viva.

The award is open to students wishing to speak at any conference (other than AHGBI) between 1st June 2024 and 31st December 2024. This scheme does not apply to the AHGBI’s own annual conference.

Send the application form by email to the PGR Officer Fiona Noble (fiona.​noble@​stir.​ac.​uk). Application deadline for the 2024 round: 5pm on 31st May 2024.

  • AHGBI Conference Award for Graduate Students

    Download application form to apply

Become a member

Membership of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland is open to all research-active Hispanists resident in Great Britain or Ireland who have a current research interest in the languages or cultures of Iberia (Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, Basque) or in related aspects of Hispanic, Lusophone or Latin American subjects. Hispanists living overseas who are former members of the Association, or are British subjects or Irish citizens, and who continue to be research active, qualify for membership. To be considered for membership, all applicants must be nominated by two existing members of the AHGBI.