Membership of the Association of Hispanists

Membership of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland is open to all research-active Hispanists resident in Great Britain or Ireland who have a current research interest in the languages or cultures of Iberia (Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, Basque) or in related aspects of Hispanic, Lusophone or Latin American subjects. Hispanists living overseas who are former members of the Association, or are British subjects or Irish citizens, and who continue to be research active, qualify for membership. To be considered for membership, all applicants must be nominated by two existing members of the AHGBI.

Applications for membership can be made at any point during the year, but will only be approved on a bi-annual basis. In order to submit an abstract for the annual conference, you need to have submitted a request for membership to the Membership Secretary by September 1; acceptance at the conference is conditional on your application for membership then being approved by the trustees.

All members are entitled to attend the annual conference and AGM, access the online Directory of Hispanists and join the Hispanists e-mail list (which may only be used by AHGBI members).

To apply for membership, please follow the steps set out below:

1. Check the subscription rate page

2. Complete the Application Form (AHGBI-Membership Form 2024 ) and post or e-mail it to the Membership Secretary:

Dr Ricki O’Rawe
Membership Secretary, AHGBI
Queen’s University Belfast
School of Arts, English and Languages
2 University Square, BT7 1NN, Belfast, UK

3.  All requests for membership will be collated by the Membership Secretary, and will be taken to the Trustees for their approval every Autumn and Spring. When your membership has been confirmed, you will be sent details of how to pay the annual subscription. For members with UK bank accounts, the normal method is by Direct Debit. Please do not send a cheque with your application.

4. If you are a UK taxpayer, please sign a  Gift Aid form so that the Association can reclaim 25% of the value of your subscription each year. Please download the form here and send it to the Treasurer at the address shown on the form: AHGBI Gift Aid form (Word)

5. All members outside the UK, including Ireland and other euro-zone countries, should pay their membership subscription via PayPal. To do so, no credit card is needed. The treasure will contact you to arrange this.

Photo: Colima Cathedral (Mexico), by Mike Thompson